About Fans / Palm Torches

Fans and palm torches as flow props are rising in popularity in the performance and dance scene. Although there are many technical styles of movement that can be done with them, they can also be used in a more interpretive style that makes them perfect for dancers and performers.

Common types of fans use as flow props are silk veil fans (aka silk fans), fire fans, hand fans, feather fans, and folding fans. Silk veil fans are great for daytime use or dance and can be used like poi as well. They are gaining popularity in the festival scene as well because of their portability and vibrant colors. Fire fans are generally either russian grip or tech grip, with each style allowing for a different feel depending on the style of flow you are aiming for. Russian grips are generally used for more dance style movements whereas tech grips are used for more technical movements where shapes are created with the fans.

Palm torches can be attached to the hand in many different ways such as handles, straps, and elastic loops. They are perfect for indoor fire performances because of their size, and accentuate dance movements very well.